Not familiar with the large press in the studio, these prints aren't quite right. These first trials are much too faint... they certainly aren't as bold as the smaller ones I made on the proofing press. I need to alter the pressure/ink amount.
Process! My intent is to record much of the thinking, planning, and creating done for my thesis exhibition. I will use this forum as a place to invite collaboration, store digital images and keep track of what I have done and am currently working on.
Layered Intentions
My work comes from an interest in perception, contradiction and translation. Through relief printmaking I discover and alter patterns from familiar imagery. By taking one idea and turning it into many, I create seemingly identical, but slightly altered, complicated, and purposefully concealed images.
I am always looking for the next temporary answer to the dynamic, self-induced challenge: Within a planned environment, how will one creative approach spawn the next related, yet different approach? Looking to both complicate and clarify my allure for the mundane, each finished piece represents an idea in process. As a result, each piece counts on the work before to directly inform what comes next.